Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Day At The Office

After nearly two weeks of vacation/holiday. Not much browsing time today.

This article gives a very nice exposition on the insanity of the process of the Iowa caucuses. Though I don't think much of the railing against open (non-secret) voting.....which I think is addressed well by the John Stuart Mill quote in the comments. The day before Iowa - blogs are all politics. My totally amateur Iowa predictions: Dem 1) Edwards, 2) Clinton 3) Obama Rep: 1) Huckabee 2) Willard 3) McCain (wouldn't surprise too much if Paul slipped into third).


Well, well.... the 9-11 commission calls out the CIA for obstructing their investigation. Oh my.
And - at least at first glance - it appears that Mukaskey has actually assigned a real honest to God investigator to the case rather than an in-the-bag toady. Double oh my.

UPDATE: Hmm, not so fast on the double oh my....might be premature. From the AP article:
"He will not serve as a special prosecutor such as Patrick Fitzgerald, who operated
autonomously while investigating the 2003 leak of a CIA operative’s identity."
Sounds like he's still under Mukaskey's thumb. Not good.